Saturday, July 27, 2024
ChargersCheetahsOxford Speedway

END-OF-SEASON AWARDS: Roll of honour


Rider Of The Year – Scott Nicholls

Top Points Scorer – Sam Masters

Bonus Point King – Jordan Jenkins

Most Improved Rider – Henry Atkins

Team Ride Of The Year – Scott Nicholls (for 5-1 with Cameron Heeps over Josh Pickering)

Best Home Performance Of The Season – Cameron Heeps (11+2 at home to Glasgow)

Best Away Performance Of the Season – Lewi Kerr (12-point maximum at Edinburgh)

Signing Of The Year – Ashton Boughen

Mister Brave – Jordan Jenkins (for continuing against Glasgow while injured)

Young Rider Of The Year – Luke Killeen


Rider Of The Year – Jordan Jenkins

Top Points Scorer – Henry Atkins

Bonus Point King – Jody Scott

Most Improved Rider – Jacob Clouting

Team Ride Of The Year – Luke Killeen (for 5-1 with Jason Garrad in Heat 14 at Leicester)

Best Home Performance Of The Season – Ryan Kinsley (scoring 10+1 against Leicester in May, after being out of action – bar one meeting – for 12 months)

Best Away Performance Of the Season – Henry Atkins (15-point maximum at Edinburgh)

Signing Of The Year – Jason Garrad

Achievement Of The Year – Jordan Jenkins (for bowing out of the National League as skipper and No 1 of league champions Oxford Chargers – and for community engagement and commitment to Oxford Speedway)

Cliff Peasley Memorial Trophy for Outstanding Contribution To Oxford Speedway In 2023 – Peter Schroeck

Recognition And Appreciation Award – Ken Soanes Of Monarch Oxford

Unsung Hero – Martin Coombs (electrician), for installing the stadium scoreboard

Long service Award – Dave Hammond (announcer)

All the riders of both sides, plus management, each received a medal to commemorate the 2023 season, and each of the Chargers also received a recognition for winning the National League.

PHOTO by Steve Edmunds